PDXpert PLM Software
Simple, flexible product lifecycle management software for growing companies™
PDXpert PLM software system requirements
The PDXpert product lifecycle management system consists of three major components:
- One or more clients that execute the application business rules and provide the user experience.
- An application server that fulfills client requests for product data and file library transactions, and performs data indexing and maintenance functions.
- A SQL Server database server that contains your product data.
In a single-user installation, all of these components are installed on one Microsoft® Windows™ computer. Most installations, however, will have one computer act as the database and file management server, and other computers act as clients. Servers do not have to be dedicated exclusively to PDXpert PLM software, although sharing resources with other applications and functions may affect system performance.
The PDXpert installer automatically detects your Windows 32-bit or 64-bit operating system and installs the appropriate executable. PDXpert can be run in a mixed network of 32-/64-bit Windows computers.
System (server & local client) computer§
These are the minimum requirements for operating PDXpert and its SQL Server database on a dedicated machine with up to about ten users. Consider improving the system configuration when also supporting other software applications; services such as encryption, VPN and antivirus; and/or more than ten users.
Hardware | Requirements |
Processor | 64-bit: 2 GHz or higher 32-bit: 2 GHz or higher – supported, but not recommended1 |
Memory (RAM) | SQL Server Express or LocalDB: 4 GB or higher SQL Server all other editions: 8 GB minimum, increase as database size and connected users increase (estimate 8GB base plus about 80MB per connected user: 50 users➔12GB • 100➔16GB • 200➔24GB) |
Hard disk | 6 GB of available space on an uncompressed local disk2. The database will grow as you add PDXpert PLM product data objects; allow at least 10 GB. Additional space will be required for the uncompressed file library3. Do not install on a compressed, network-mapped, or external (e.g., USB) disk. |
Video display | Minimum 1280×1024. For best viewing, use the latest .NET release and video drivers. For best results, set display scaling 100% @ 96dpi. |
Operating system: Compatible edition(s)4 | 32-bit1 | 64-bit | .NET Framework5 |
Windows Server 2022: all Editions with Desktop Experience | — | Yes | 4.8 |
Windows Server 2019: all Editions with Desktop Experience | — | Yes | 4.8 |
Windows Server 2016: all Editions with Desktop Experience | — | Yes | 4.8 |
Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2: all Editions6 | — | Yes | 4.8 |
Windows 11: Pro, Pro for Workstations, Enterprise10 | — | Yes | 4.8 |
Windows 10: Professional, Enterprise10 | — | Yes | 4.8 |
Database engine7 | Use8 |
SQL Server Supported Versions |
2022 CU1 2019 CU19 2017 CU31 2016 SP3 GDR 2014 SP3 CU4 |
SQL Server LocalDB or Express Edition | Up to about 10 user accounts9 |
SQL Server Workgroup, Standard or Enterprise Edition | Any number of user accounts |
Network client computer§
Hardware | Requirements |
Processor | 64-bit: 2 GHz or higher 32-bit: 2 GHz or higher – supported, but not recommended1 |
Memory (RAM) | 4 GB or higher |
Hard disk | Up to 650 MB for application and data cache within user's %LocalAppData% folder (usually the C: drive). Do not install on a compressed, network-mapped or external (e.g., USB) disk. |
Video display | Minimum 1280×1024. For best viewing, use the latest .NET release. For best results, set display scaling 100% @ 96dpi. |
Operating system: Compatible edition(s)4 | 32-bit1 | 64-bit | .NET Framework5 |
Windows Server 2022: all Editions with Desktop Experience | — | Yes | 4.8 |
Windows Server 2019: all Editions with Desktop Experience | — | Yes | 4.8 |
Windows Server 2016: all Editions with Desktop Experience | — | Yes | 4.8 |
Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2: all Editions6 | — | Yes | 4.8 |
Windows 11: Home, Pro, Pro for Workstations, Enterprise | — | Yes | 4.8 |
Windows 10: Home, Professional, Enterprise | — | Yes | 4.8 |
Microsoft no longer publishes or supports 32-bit versions of Windows, Windows Server and SQL Server, and third-party components offer limited support. Future PDXpert releases may be published for 64-bit platforms only.
The SQL Server installer creates temporary files on the system (typically C:) drive, even when installing to another drive. Verify that the system drive has 6 GB of available disk space for these files.
Files are stored in a separate PDXpert library folder within the Windows file system, with their metadata in the database.§
Where the Windows user interface is optional, install the Server with Desktop Experience. Windows Nano Server, the Windows Server Core install option, or other releases that do not include a desktop GUI are not supported.
Our releases are tested for compatibility on Windows US-English using the latest service packs and updates. Verify compatibility with your localized Windows language and regional settings. Follow our recommendations to minimize incompatibilities between network devices, DNS services, operating systems and local languages, machine names and the workgroup or domain name. See also Note 6.§
The .NET Framework minimum required for the most recent PDXpert release. Always apply the latest .NET service pack. Microsoft has ended support for .NET Framework 4.6.1 and earlier, as some versions are not considered secure. For older PDXpert releases, use the release note guidance or at least .NET 4.6.2, whichever is later. See the Microsoft .NET Lifecycle Policy FAQ. Beginning with .NET 4.6.2, support follows the Lifecycle Policy of the parent OS. §
Microsoft ended all support for Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 in January 2020; and Windows 8.1 in January 2023. Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 is only available on extended support until October 2023, for which you must have a current Microsoft support contract. Unsupported Windows versions may work when the required .NET Framework is installed, but are excluded from PDXpert release testing. Use an operating system with Mainstream Support to ensure compatibility with PDXpert. See the Microsoft Lifecycle Policy§
The PDXpert system setup file automatically downloads and installs Microsoft SQL Server Express LocalDB (x64: 2017; x86: 2014). If you intend to use a different SQL Server version/edition, install it as described in the PDXpert PLM Software Installation Guide before entering data into PDXpert.§
Microsoft ended all support for SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 4 in July 2022. SQL Server 2014 SP3 is only available on extended support until July 2024, for which you must have a current Microsoft support contract. Some unlisted versions may continue to work, but are excluded from PDXpert testing and support. Use a database engine with Mainstream Support to ensure compatibility with PDXpert software. See Microsoft's Product Lifecycle Information: SQL Server. To find the latest service pack / cumulative update, search the web for latest update for sql server [version]§
Microsoft Express does not explicitly limit the number of simultaneous users, but has significant limits on CPU and RAM resources. Transaction integrity and performance depend on factors such as peak (not average) concurrent users; total record count and complexity; search indexing load, reports/exports, open tasks, large file transfers, changes workflows, sent emails; VPN routing, network bandwidth and utilization; encryption; hardware resources; database maintenance; and other server applications. Don't go beyond 25 users. For best results when using Express, do not install any other application in PDXpert's instance, and use fast CPU and storage (e.g., SSD).§
A personal operating system like Windows 10 / 11 is not recommended as a server OS. It comes with limited concurrent connections, inferior performance, frequent updates, slow restarts, and busy background services and telemetry. Desktop Windows should be considered only for a single-user machine, a light-use test/training/development system, or a very small workgroup's temporary production server. Enterprise LTSC is the "cleanest" desktop version. Instead, consider Windows Server 2019 Essentials (while it's available), or Windows Server 2022 Essentials (OEM hardware partners).§
These system requirements support PDXpert releases published within the past three years. Older PDXpert releases may have different requirements; before upgrading your production environment to current Microsoft technologies, test to ensure compatibility.
We rely upon constantly-evolving technologies from Microsoft and other suppliers. Always use Microsoft's supported versions of Windows, .NET and SQL Server. Apply the latest available service packs and updates. All hardware and software requirements and supported configurations are subject to change without notice.
Last reviewed 2023-08-08.