PDXpert PLM Software
Simple, flexible product lifecycle management software for growing
Site index
This is a listing of the principal pages of this website. Please contact us if you can't find exactly what you need.
PDXpert PLM Software§
- Making the best PLM software license decision
- PDXpert PLM software features and functions
- PDXpert PLM software features: Configuration collections
- PDXpert PLM software: Flexibility for growing companies
- PDXpert PLM software: Protection for your company's intellectual property
- PDXpert PLM software: Simple & flexible product lifecycle management
- PDXpert PLM software: Simple to learn & use
- PLM software increases your sales revenue
- PLM software lowers your product unit costs
- PLM software reduces your administrative overhead expense
- The difference between PLM software and PDM software
- What are the benefits of PLM software?
- Why growing companies need their own PLM software solution
Parts & Bill of Materials§
- Designing an Access bill of materials system? Watch out...
- Multi-level bill of material roll-ups meet design targets: PDXpert
- Part list management with PDXpert product lifecycle management software
- Part, supplier source, and bill of materials management
- PDXpert PLM software features: Approved vendor sources
- PDXpert PLM software features: Part management
- PDXpert PLM software features: Structures, sources and markups
- PDXpert PLM: The 7 Benefits of Bill of Materials Software
- Replace Excel BOM spreadsheets with real bill of materials software
Document Control & File Management§
- Document control & File management
- Engineering design and document control systems
- PDXpert PLM software download
- PDXpert PLM software features: Document control
- PDXpert PLM software features: File management
- PDXpert PLM software features: Item Explorer
- PLM enhances data availability and security
- PLM ensures compliance with regulatory requirements
- PLM is engineering drawing management software (EDMS)
Change Management & Workflow§
- Challenges of manual engineering change control
- Engineering change control & workflow
- PDXpert PLM software features: Engineering change forms and workflow
- PDXpert PLM software features: FDA 21 CFR Part 11
- PDXpert PLM software features: FDA 21 CFR Part 820
- PDXpert PLM software features: ISO 9000 / ISO 9001
- PLM improves design review accuracy and efficiency
- PLM software: Your as-designed Configuration Management tool
General Information§
- About HX3 Solutions, Inc.
- Contact us for PLM information
- Download PDXpert software
- General information about PDXpert PLM software
- How to purchase, renew or upgrade your PDXpert license
- HX3 Solutions, Inc. and PDXpert software news
- PDXpert PLM awards, reviews & user comments
- PDXpert PLM search
- PDXpert PLM software prices and discounts
- PDXpert PLM software product FAQ
- PDXpert PLM software product literature
- PDXpert PLM software product videos & tutorials
- PDXpert PLM software ROI calculation
- PDXpert PLM software system requirements
- Privacy policy
- Service terms
- Site map
PDXpert Videos§
PDXpert PLM News§
- CIO Review: 20 Most Promising PLM Solution Providers
- New PDXpert PLM Release Offers Easy Data Imports and ODBC Views
- New PDXpert PLM System Breaks 10 Cents per Hour Barrier
- New PLM Software Developed Specifically for Small Business
- PDXpert PLM 2008 Introduces XML Data Export, Vista Compatibility
- PDXpert PLM 2009 Edition Imports Bill of Materials Files, Creates Parts 'On Demand'
- PDXpert PLM 2010 Edition Updates Multiple BOMs, Searches Design Files
- PDXpert PLM Software Focus is on Speed with New 64-Bit Version
- PDXpert PLM Software is Desktop Engineering magazine Pick of Week
- PDXpert PLM Software Selected by CIO Review
- PDXpert PLM Software Selected by TopTenReviews.com
- PDXpert PLM Software Selected Top 5 by digital.com
- PDXpert PLM Website Ranked Second Most Popular
- PDXpert Release 15.0 Adds Innovative Security Features
- PDXpert Release 16.0 Expands User Access Control
- PDXpert Software Ranked Top 10 PLM
- PDXpert Software Ranked Top 10 PLM for Second Year
- PDXpert Software Ranked Top 10 PLM for Seventh Year
Product Support§
- Current release
- File viewers for product lifecycle management
- PDXpert PLM software customer support
- PDXpert PLM software product services
- PDXpert PLM software remote support: Save / run / share
- PDXpert PLM training tutorials
- PDXpert web conference start page
- PLM & CM reference materials
- Product lifecycle management application notes
- Product lifecycle management good practices
PDXpert Help Guide§
- About PDXpert
- Add a new collection member
- Add child items
- Add or remove a document's references
- Add or remove a part's references
- Add or remove approved sources
- Add or remove materials
- Add, modify or remove BOM parts
- Adjust your user settings
- Affected (change)
- Allow partner parts on BOM (rule)
- Analyze a stopped change
- Analyze a submitted change
- Analyze an accepted change
- Appears On (document)
- Appears On (part)
- Arrange the Explorer windows
- Attach a revision file
- Attach an external link
- Attach an item file
- Attributes (change form)
- Attributes (document)
- Attributes page (part)
- Back up the database and library
- Bill of materials import
- BOM (Bill of Materials)
- BOM type codes
- Cancel a released document
- Cancel a released part
- Change classifications
- Change form
- Change forms
- Change priorities
- Change reasons
- Change the data directory
- Change the database server
- ChangePairView & ChangePairMasterView reference
- ChangeView & ChangeMasterView reference
- Check in a file
- Check out a file
- Copy a file
- Copy files to snapshot (rule)
- Copy previous tasks to new revision (rule)
- Countries
- Currencies
- Custom
- Custom attributes
- Custom collection import
- Custom collections
- Default File Access (rule)
- Disposition actions
- Disposition locations
- Document form
- Document types
- Edit menu
- Enter the software license key
- Export a PDX package
- Extract files from a PDXZ backup
- File attachments
- FilePairMasterView reference
- Files (item)
- Files in work
- Fill in the new document
- Fill in the new part
- Fix change form routing errors
- Free a file lock
- General (change form)
- General (document)
- General (part)
- Get technical help
- Groups
- Groups collection import
- Handling/storage categories
- Help menu
- Help styles
- How to work with documents
- How to work with parts
- Import a CAD BOM
- Index Status
- Information
- Item Explorer
- Item files & links import
- Item identification
- Item iterations
- Item lifecycle phases
- Item Master import
- Item menu
- Item uniqueness definition (rule)
- Item: Change form
- Item: Document
- Item: Part
- Item-level relational imports
- ItemView & ItemMasterView reference
- Iteration-level relational imports
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Languages
- Legal notices
- Limit part to one BOM row (rule)
- Lock part default unit of measure on BOM (rule)
- Log into PDXpert
- Make a new document
- Make a new item
- Make a new part
- Make an ODBC connection
- Make/Buy categories
- Manage (server)
- Manage a released document
- Manage a released part
- Manage system emails
- Manage user accounts
- Managing collections
- Material categories
- Material constraints
- Materials
- Materials (part)
- Materials collection import
- Materials import
- Media/locations
- Modify a collection member
- Notes
- Observers (change)
- Open an item related to another item
- Organizations
- Organizations collection import
- Originate a new change form
- Other software licenses
- Part types
- Part window
- Partner classifications
- Password Policy (rule)
- PDXpert Application Server overview
- PDXpert End User License Terms
- PDXpert License Agreement
- Persons
- Persons collection import
- PLM software glossary
- PLM summary
- Problem sources
- Process menu
- Processing a change
- Product families
- Product Families collection import
- Product Families import
- Recent items
- Recovery methods
- ReferencePairView & ReferencePairMasterView reference
- References (document)
- References (part)
- References import
- References Tabs (rule)
- Related (change)
- Release your document
- Release your part
- Remove a canceled change
- Remove a collection member
- Remove a revision file
- Remove an item file or external link
- Remove child items
- Remove your change form
- Remove your document
- Remove your part
- Replace a child item
- Reset the administrator password
- Reset the database and library
- Resolve an on-hold change
- Restore data from a backup
- Return a submitted change
- Review a routed change
- Reviewers (change)
- Reviewer's comment required (rule)
- Revise a released document
- Revise a released part
- Revision files import
- Roles
- Run a report
- Save your document
- Save your part
- Search commands
- Search for items
- Sequences: Identifier
- Sequences: Revision
- Set your password
- Setup introduction
- Setup: Changes
- Setup: Collections
- Setup: Documents
- Setup: General
- Setup: Parts
- Setup: Places/Organizations/Persons
- Setup: System rules
- Snapshot a change form
- Snapshot a document
- Snapshot a part
- Solve client problems
- SourceItemMasterView reference
- SourcePairView & SourcePairMasterView reference
- Sources (part)
- Sources import
- Start and update a task
- StructurePairView & StructurePairMasterView reference
- System Rules tool
- Tasks (item)
- Tasks open
- Tools menu
- Transforms
- Unit of Measure (within group)
- Units of Measure (category)
- Unlock change form Files (rule)
- Unlock change form Tasks (rule)
- Use a released change
- Use Administrator Override
- Use Markup Wizard
- Use the Batch Importer
- Use the DataGrid
- Use the Recursion Assistant
- Use the Report/Export Wizard
- User roles & permissions
- View a collection
- View a completed change
- View a rejected change
- View database objects
- Viewing a file
- Views
- Welcome!
- Window menu
- Windows update service
PDXpert Installation Guide§
- Connecting Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
- Custom installation of PDXpert client installer
- Install license CA certificate chain
- Installing Microsoft LocalDB for PDXpert client-side ODBC applications
- Installing PDXpert for typical environments
- Managing a PDXpert test server
- Microsoft SQL Server advanced install for PDXpert PLM software
- Microsoft SQL Server diagnostics for PDXpert system
- Microsoft SQL Server installation log files for PDXpert
- Moving your PDXpert PLM database and file library
- PDXpert 6.x installation for typical environments
- PDXpert 7.x installation for typical environments
- PDXpert Application Server connection diagnostics
- PDXpert Application Server custom installation
- PDXpert Application Server hosted on a private cloud server
- PDXpert Application Server post-installation checklist
- PDXpert PLM client diagnostics
- PDXpert PLM service configuration settings
- PDXpert PLM software 5.3 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 6.0 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 6.1 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 6.2 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 6.3 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 6.4 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 6.5 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 6.6 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 7.0 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 7.1 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 7.2 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 7.3 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 7.4 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 7.5 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 8.0 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 8.1 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 9.0 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 9.1 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 9.2 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 9.3 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 10.0 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 10.1 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 10.2 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 10.3 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 11.0 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 11.1 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 11.2 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 12.0 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 12.1 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 12.2 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 13.0 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 14.0 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 15.0 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 16.0 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software 16.1 release notes
- PDXpert PLM software client application setup
- PDXpert PLM software installation overview
- PDXpert PLM software release notes
- PDXpert PLM system architecture
- PDXplorer software 5.0 release notes
- PDXplorer software 5.1 release notes
- PDXplorer software 5.2 release notes
- PDXplorer software 6.0 release notes
- PDXplorer software 6.1 release notes
- PDXplorer Viewer software 4.x release notes
- Preparing the server computer for PDXpert PLM software
- System file locations for PDXpert PLM software
- Upgrading your client workstation to the current PDXpert release
- Upgrading your current system to PDXpert 7.5 or earlier
- Upgrading your Microsoft SQL Server engine for PDXpert PLM software
- Upgrading your PDXpert application server
Application Notes§
- Adding a custom output using the Data Transformation collection
- Adding a custom SQL Server report to PDXpert
- Adding a custom SQL Server report to PDXpert 8.0 to 11.2
- BOM compare 2.0: Compare all product data, not just the BOM
- Comparing bills of materials using Excel
- Converting a PDX package for batch import
- Copying an assembly BOM to another assembly
- Creating a graphical bill of materials in Visio
- Creating release sets for imported data
- Designing email notice templates
- Engineering change design, Part 1: Change process concepts
- Engineering change design, Part 2: Change workflow design
- Engineering change design, Part 3: Change form template setup
- Exporting a bill of materials from PDXpert to Visio
- Exporting PDXpert PLM parts, BOM & sources to MRP/ERP
- Fast file content searches using IFilters
- Import Trilogy Design Parts&Vendors into PDXpert PLM
- Importing CAD bill of materials into PDXpert 7.x software
- Including labor time and cost in assemblies
- Install a CA security certificate
- IPC-2570 map to PDXpert attributes
- Item release states and lifecycle phases
- Keep system settings and remove test item records
- Listing part and document records
- Materials (composition/substances) management for regulatory compliance
- Merging several organizations' items under a preferred owner
- PDXpert/PDXplorer IPC-2570 extensions
- Preparing to import PDXpert file attachments
- Replacing item-level attributes using the Batch Importer tool
- Running several PDXpert Application Servers on the same network
- Scheduled backup for the PDXpert PLM database and file library
- Switching an item to a different type
- User access design
- Using Altium Designer EDA software with the PDXpert client
- Using Altium Designer EDA software with the PDXpert server
- Using an MRP/ERP system with PDXpert PLM software
- Using Cadence OrCAD Capture CIS with the PDXpert client
- Using Cadence OrCAD Capture CIS with the PDXpert server
- Using Pulsonix EDA software with the PDXpert server
PLM/CM Good Practices§
- Applying principles of interchangeability to your bill of materials
- Approved vendor sources and supply chain modeling
- Defining and using purchased parts
- Design an effective engineering change process with change forms
- Do parts have revisions? Why the form-fit-function rule says No
- Identifying alternative (ALT) parts for your bill of materials
- Intelligent part numbers: The cost of being too smart
- Is software a document or a part?
- Life after MIL-STD-100: Decoupling part numbers and their documents
- Part numbering system best practice
PLM Resources§
- Document and image file viewers
- Electronics and electrical CAD file viewers
- Mechanical CAD/CAM file viewers
- Military standards of historical interest to the PLM / CM community
- Multiple-format file viewers
- PLM, PDM, CM and other engineering/manufacturing/quality websites
- Product lifecycle management reference books
- Selected government regulations of interest to the PLM / CM community
- Selected industry standards of interest to the PLM / CM community