PDXpert PLM Software
Training Tutorial
PDXpert PLM Software: Part Type configuration example
A Part Type defines the properties and behavior of part records in PDXpert software. These attributes include number and revision formats, whether file attachments are permitted, and default attribute values. (You'd use a similar approach in setting up the identifiers and text templates for document types and change forms.)
This tutorial shows how to automatically assign a part number from the Identifier Sequences collection, which may specify a category prefix (such as HW- or 912 for the "hardware" category). It also shows how to assign a part naming hint (called a text template) that guides users in applying your preferred part naming convention: Hardware, ...
You must have a role with administrator permissions to perform these steps. The lesson assumes you know how to perform basic Collection Explorer tasks such as adding, opening, and modifying collection members.
Learning to use PDXpert software
- Lesson 0: Install the PDXpert PLM server and client workstations
- Lesson 1: Log into PDXpert
- Lesson 2: Enter the software license key
- Lesson 3: Create document record with file attachment
- Lesson 4: Create a design part with CAD file attachment
- Lesson 5: Create purchased part with approved source
- Lesson 6: Create an assembly (bill of materials) with References assembly drawing
- Lesson 7: Release design using change notice & workflow
- Lesson 8: Report/export product data