User access design

Last update 2023-03-20

PDXpert PLM software's user editing access model automatically calculates access based on the intersection of item release state, system rules, and user permissions. This topic describes the access design that was introduced with PDXpert 16.0.

User access dimensions

Item attributes & states

Data on an item (part, document, change form) may be created, edited, deleted, added to or removed from a list, or otherwise modified. These actions are controlled by the data element's purpose (identity like part/document Owner and Number); whether it's an item-level attribute that's common across all iterations (e.g., Notes) or per iteration (e.g., Release description); the current release state (pending, released, canceled); and whether it's listed on a change form and, if so, that change form's workflow state, like Originated, Released, etc. Item attributes are grouped into Product Team bundles; item attributes share the same access within each bundle.

User permissions

Separately, each user has a full-function or read-only user account and an assigned Role with explicit permissions to view and create items, analyze other users' work, and administer the system.

A user's assigned role allows part/document viewing by release state (released, optionally pending and canceled). Allowed change form viewing is released, optionally unreleased. Setting a role to allow item Create new automatically sets viewing in all states, and allows editing access to a user's own, and possibly other users', items.

Users who can create items get permissions as a part or document Trustee or as a change form's Originator; manage a change workflow as an Analyst; update and complete tasks assigned by other users; have limited access as a Product Team member in the Product Families collection; and approve changes as a reviewing group member. Some of these permissions interact across items and change forms: a trustee may or may not edit their part when it's on a Submitted change; a product team member has the aggregated permissions of all product families listed on the part, and all items listed on the change form's Affected list.

System settings

Finally, there are system rules that show/hide fields like References lists; allow/block user actions on BOMs; and limit or expand access to files and tasks as a change form is processed. SImilarly, item type collection settings show Files, Materials, Sources and BOMs; allow or block class relationships on Affected lists; and show, hide, or lock selected controls.

Access maps for editing§

Theses edit access rules require a user to have (1) a full-function user account with (2) a role that has enabled Create new permission for documents, parts, and/or change forms.

Part and document edit access§

To interpret the content, see Definitions below.

Trustee data field: Item PT bundle Create Submit Review Quit Execute Pattern
Class, Type General none none none none none LOC
Owner, Number, Default UOM[7] General TAO[1] TAO[1,5] O O O FREditor
Trustee, Product families General TAO TAO[5] O O TAO PPEditor
Description (Name/Title) General TAO[2] TAO[2,5] O[2] O[2] TAO[2] FRNEditor
Custom attributes Custom TAO[3] TAO[3,5] O[3] O[3] TAO[3] FRCEditor
Materials/mass[7] Materials TAO[4] TAO[4,5] O[4] O[4] TAO[4] FRMEditor
Attributes & Notes tabs Attributes TAO TAO TAO TAO TAO ATEditor
Part Make/Buy[7] Attributes TAO[6] TAO[6] TAO[6] TAO[6] TAO[6] ATEditor
Item files & links (add/edit/delete) Item Files TAO TAO TAO TAO TAO ATEditor
Trustee data field: Iteration (revision)            
Aux Persons 1 & 2 Iteration TAO TAO[5] O O TAO PPEditor
Revision, Lifecycle, ... Iteration TAO TAO[5] O O O PREditor
Revision files (add/delete/edit) Revision Files TAO TAO[5] none none none IREditor
References Markup (add/delete, Row) References TAO TAO[5] none none none IREditor
References Markup Notes (edit) References TAO TAO[5] O O TAO PPEditor
Tasks (add/edit/delete) Tasks TAO TAO TAO TAO O UTEditor
Tasks Status, Notes (edit) Tasks TAOS TAOS TAOS TAOS O UTWorker
BOM Markup[7] (add/delete/edit) BOM TAO TAO[5] none none none IREditor
BOM Markup Notes[7] (edit) BOM TAO TAO[5] O O TAO PPEditor
Sources Markup[7] (add/delete) Sources TAO TAO[5] none none none IREditor
Sources Markup Rank, Notes[7] (edit) Sources TAO TAO[5] O O TAO PPEditor


  1. Trustee, allowed product team members, analysts, and administrators (with Administrator Override enabled) can edit before first release; administrators (with Administrator Override enabled) can edit after first release.

  2. Trustee, allowed product team members, analysts, and administrators (with Administrator Override enabled) can edit before first release, or with Role that allows Edit after first release: Item description.

  3. Trustee, allowed product team members, analysts, and administrators (with Administrator Override enabled) can edit before first release, or with Role that allows Edit after first release: Custom attributes.

  4. Trustee, allowed product team members, analysts, and administrators (with Administrator Override enabled) can edit before first release, or with Role that allows Edit after first release: Mass and materials.

  5. Trustee and allowed product team members with Role that allows Change forms: Submitted items can be edited.

  6. Trustee, allowed product team members, or analysts can edit when Part Types collection member doesn't lock Make/Buy default value. Administrator using override can edit only after temporarily unlocking field on part type template.

  7. Part attribute only; all other attributes are available on part or document.

Change form edit access§

To interpret the content, see Definitions below.

Originator data field PT bundle Originate Submit Route Process Quit Release Complete Pattern
Class, Type General none none none none none none none LOC
Number General TCO[8] CO[8] O O O O O CNEditor
Description, Originator, ... General TCO CO O O O O O PREditor
Analyst General TCAO[9] CAO CAO CAO O CAO O ASEditor
Attributes & Notes tabs Attributes TCO TCO TCO TCO O TCO O NCEditor
Custom Custom TCO TCO TCO TCO O TCO O NCEditor
Affected (add/edit/delete) Affected TCO CO none none none none none OSEditor
Affected disposition (edit) Affected TCO TCO TCO TCO O TCSO O NCDEditor
Reviewer pre-Route Reviewers TCO CO none none none none none OSEditor
Reviewer in Route none none none R none none none none GREditor
Files (add/edit/delete) Files TCO TCO TCO[10] TCO[10] O TCO[10] O CFEditor
Tasks (add/edit/delete) Tasks TCO TCO TCO[11] TCO[11] O TCO[11] O UTEditor
Tasks Status/Note (edit) Tasks TCSO TCSO TCSO[11] TCSO[11] O TCSO[11] O UTWorker
Related Related TCO CO CO CO O CO O IPEditor
Observers Observers TCO CO CO CO O CO O IPEditor


  1. Originator, allowed product team members, or analysts can edit when Change Forms collection member allows manually assigning Number value. Administrator using override can edit only after temporarily unlocking field on change form template.

  2. Change form's named Analyst may not have a Role with Is an analyst permission but have permission to assign another analyst.

  3. When allowed by Unlock change form Files system rule.

  4. When allowed by Unlock change form Tasks system rule.


Column descriptions§

Trustee/Originator data field

Data that the part/document Trustee can manage; or, data that the change form Originator can manage.

PT bundle

A group of data fields (often shown on a single tab page) that a Product Team member is allowed to access.


Access when the part or document is not listed on an executing change form, or is on a change form at Originated state.


Access when the change form is at Originated state.


Access when the part or document is listed on an executing change form at Submitted state.


Access when the part or document is listed on an executing change form at Routed, Held, Stopped, or Accepted state.


Access when the change form is at Routed state.


Access when the change form is at Held, Stopped, or Accepted state.


Access when the item is affected by, or is, an executing change form at Canceled or Rejected state.


Access when the part or document is listed on an executing change form at Released or Completed state.


Access when the change form is at Released state.


Access when the change form is at Completed state.


A set of permissions described by the current attributes row. The same pattern may be used on more than one row.

User assignment§

A (Any analyst)

Any part or document analyst.

C (Change analyst)

Change form's named analyst.

O (Override)

Administrator using Tools menu's Adminstrator Override command.

R (Reviewer)

Any reviewer listed on the reviewing group's Persons list.

S (aSsignee)

User who is assigned the user-assigned or disposition task.

T (Trustee / originator)

Part or document: Trustee or a product team member where (a) the item shows the member's Product Family, and (b) the Product Team permission for the current bundle is marked. Change form: Originator or a product team member where (a) the item shows the member's Product Family, and (b) the Product Team permission for the current bundle is marked, and (c) the item is shown on the change form's Affected list.

Access pattern names§


Analyst setting editor


Any time editor


Change form Files editor


Change form Number editor


First-release editor


First-release Name editor


First-release Custom attributes editor


First-release Materials attributes editor


Group reviewer editor


In-process editor


Iteration relation editor


Locked on creating


Not concluded editor


Not concluded dispositioning editor


Originated/Submitted editor


Pre/post editor


Pre-review editor


User-assigned Task editor


User-assigned Task worker

Reference topics:§

This application note was relevant to the PDXpert software release that was current at time of publication. Product changes since that time may affect its utility. We'd be happy to assist you in assessing the applicability of this note to your situation.

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