PDXpert 11.2 release notes (change history)

Published updates in the PDXpert 11.2 series software (all dates are UTC).

◄ PDXpert PLM 11.1  •  PDXpert PLM 12.0 ►

Before upgrading: Read all release notes published from your current release to this new release.

Microsoft considers .NET Framework 4.5.2, 4.6, and 4.6.1 not secure. You should immediately update Windows server and client machines to a more recent .NET version to receive updates and technical support. .NET Framework 4.6.2 and 4.8 are highly compatible in-place updates (replacements) for .NET 4.5.2, 4.6, and 4.6.1. Microsoft continues to issue security updates for .NET Framework 4.6.2 and later versions.

11.2.31038.3: 2016-09-20

New features and functions

  • Physical file attachments are included (isInFile=Yes) in the change form's PDX package. [b15387]

  • Item and revision file Notes are included in PDX package attachment's description. A prefix [Revision] [Item] or [External] identifies the attached file's source list. [c31019]

  • A bill of materials Markup row's reference designators (RefDes) are counted and compared to its Quantity. When unlocked for editing, a RefDes with parsing errors or mismatched quantity is highlighted, and a tooltip contains the count and error description. More information. [b15397, b469, b388]

  • Extended item Name, Notes and RefDes are shown in BOM Sources and References lists' tooltips (up to 4000 characters [~800 RefDes]). [c31017]

Improvements to existing capabilities

  • PDX package referenceDesignatorName is extracted according to the BOM RefDes error-checking rules. [c31017]

  • Upgrade client reporting engine to Microsoft Report Viewer 2015 Runtime (12.0.2402.15). [c31004]

  • Upgrade client minimum requirement to Microsoft .NET 4.5.1. [c30997]

  • Reduce installers' file size 6MB by removing obsolete Windows XP code. [c30987]

  • Upgrade server and client application logging platform to NLog 4.3.9. [c30997]

  • Revise help topics related to new search commands; adding or editing custom attributes; deleting collection members. [c30970-79]

Maintenance fixes and changes

  • Edit menu | Snapshot Convert command correctly creates new record when a part is the snapshot source (regression 11.1). [b15399]

  • First row in item iteration's References list is correctly assigned 1, rather than 2 (regression 11.1). [c30986]

  • First row in collection type member's Custom list is correctly assigned 1, rather than 2 (regression 11.1). [c30986]

  • System rule Copy files to snapshot and Password Policy settings applied within active administrator session (regression 11.1). System rule help topics advise client restart after editing settings. [b15399]

  • Session's database record applies client username instead of server virtual user (SYSTEM). [b15398]

  • Ensure consistent presentation of new collection members' title caption. [b15386]

11.2.31058.3: 2016-09-22

Maintenance fixes and changes

  • Correct database migration from release 11.1 to 11.2 (Unicode text as file Notes). Earlier releases are not affected. [c31058]

11.2.31073.3: 2016-09-27

Maintenance fixes and changes

  • Allow unlocking routed change form where change reviewer is not originator or named analyst (b15401 re-opened [c30961-63]). [c31073]

11.2.31103.3: 2016-10-07

New features and functions

  • Support SQL Server 2016 Express LocalDB for client-side local views. More information. [b15407]

Improvements to existing capabilities

  • Refresh client local views immediately after part or document saved on that client (asynchronous to normal 10-minute refresh cycle). [b13274]

  • Installation and upgrade logic for determining when to install a new SQL Server instance. [b14319]

Maintenance fixes and changes

  • Display correct Serialize, Certify, Complies boolean values in the ItemMaster public view and all derived public views. [b15403]

11.2.31270.3: 2017-03-07

Maintenance fixes and changes

  • If a Change Forms member doesn't have its Release/cancel iterations when approved checkbox marked (e.g., an ECR or deviation) and an item on that change form has never been released, then allow the item to be opened. [c31270]