PDXpert 7.1 release notes (change history)

Published updates in the PDXpert "7.1 series" software (all dates are UTC).

◄ Release 7.0  •  Release 7.2 ►

7.1.18290.514: 2012-01-23

  • External Data Importer tool allows administrators to perform bulk import of materials, files and custom attributes. [803, 838, 848]
  • Report headers (in preview mode only) should take only 3 lines, not 6. [804]
  • Reference Apache Lucene license in setup, help & website help. [822]
  • Consolidate server & client help. [C17713]
  • Overhaul application installers.
  • Assign new source Rank value based on what is already on Sources list. [830]