Analyze an accepted change

An accepted change form must be reviewed by an analyst prior to it being released for general use. After approval by all reviewers, the system sets the change's state to Accepted and notifies the designated analyst or other persons.

Although the change workflow may specify that a change form is automatically released upon all reviewers' approval, this can't happen if the change has a routing error. For example, an affected item relies on a reference item that was canceled by a different change form. Since the system can't release the change form, its lifecycle is set to Accepted, and the analyst must resolve the error.

As an analyst, you review the accepted change:

  • Select the Process menu command Submit to Analyst to delete all reviewers' approvals, and return the change for further work and a new review cycle. While in the Submitted state, the change form may be edited or returned to the originator.

  • Select the Process menu command Release Change to release the accepted change form.

    When you select Route for Approval, you may see a Routing Error window. See the Fix change routing errors help topic.

    If you can resolve the error by releasing the invalid child item on a different change form, then you can use the Release Change menu command again without resubmitting the change to obtain new approvals.