Check out a file

To prevent other users from modifying the same file you're working with, you should check out (rather than copy) the file.

You can only check out files that are attached to pending iterations.

When you check the file out from the data library, the system first copies the file to your computer, and then locks the library file from further checkouts (other users can still view or copy the file).

  1. Open the item record that contains the file and, if necessary, select the pending iteration from the status bar dropdown list of iterations.

  2. Select the item window's Files tab, then select the Revision Files tab.

  3. Unlock the item window by pressing your keyboard's F2 key.

  4. Select the file that you want to check out by clicking on the filename.

  5. From the Tools menu, select the Files ➔ Check Out and Lock... command (or the similar command on the file's context menu) to open the Check File Out of Library dialog. Navigate to the folder where you want to save the file, and click the Save button.

  6. Update the item's status: Item ➔ Save (Ctrl+S) or lock the window (F2 key).