Item menu

Menu icon Create Member... §
Opens a wizard to make a new member of any collection. This command is available only if your role includes the administrator permission.
Menu icon Create Document... §
Opens a wizard that prompts you for the document's identification, and then saves this new document and opens a window for further editing.
Menu icon Create Part... §
Opens a wizard that prompts you for the part's identification, and then saves this new part and opens a window for further editing.
Menu icon Create Change... §
Opens a wizard that prompts you for the change form's identification, and then saves this new change and opens a window for further editing.
Menu icon Search §
This command shows the Item Explorer's Search page.
Menu icon Close §
Closes the selected window. If you've edited the item, then it's saved.
Menu icon Close All §
Closes all open windows in the application workspace. If you've edited any items, then those items are saved.
Menu icon Save §
Saves all changes to the selected item, and clears the undo buffer.
Menu icon Save All §
Saves all changes to all modified items, and clears each undo buffer.
Menu icon Remove Object §
Deletes the active object (the front-most window in the workspace) from the database.

If the active window is:

  • A part or document with a pending iteration and at least one released or canceled iteration, then the pending iteration is deleted. If the part or document does not have a released or canceled iteration, then the complete item is removed: Remove your document and Remove your part

  • An originated, submitted or canceled change form, then the change form is deleted: Remove your change form

  • A collection member, then the member is removed: Remove a collection member

See the related help topics for rules (such as user permission, use by other items, release state) that may prevent deleting the record.

Menu icon Exit §
Closes the PDXpert client application.