File attachments

To manage how others view a file, see the User roles & permissions help topic.

A file (called an attachment) is a CAD drawing, text specification, cost spreadsheet or other electronic file that's related to a document, part or change.

PDXpert's file management enables

  • File identification and type management
  • File check out and check in
  • Application/viewer launch

Library and external files §

Files are either managed within the data library or are links to files outside the data library.

When you want to capture the file at a point in time, you copy it into the data library by attaching to an item or an unreleased iteration.

When you want to always refer to the latest version of a file, regardless of its current content, then use an external link. Since external files are, by definition, not under the direct control of PDXpert, there's no guarantee that the file will always contain what you expect or even that the file will be available when you need it. You'll typically refer to external files whose contents are managed and updated by other organizations, such as a web page that contains vendor prices or purchasing lead times.

Item and revision files §

A revision file typically contains technical design information, and is always related to one iteration of an item. A revision file is stored in the library; you cannot have an external revision file. A revision file is added to a pending document or part iteration. It can be checked-out for editing; while it's checked-out, other users can view or copy the current copy, but not edit it. When the item is released, the revision file is permanently locked, and cannot be modified or deleted.

An item file contains background information like quotes, emails, sketches or other information that's not used for actual production. These files are related to the item, not one iteration. Any user with correct permissions can add, change, or remove an item file, regardless of the item's release state. You can designate whether the item file is in the library or is an external resource. Item files can be attached to parts, documents, change forms and Organizations collection members. Item files are identified, but not included, in a PDX package.

File-specific attributes §

A file's properties include the file's original name, extension, size, an optional note, and view/copy/modify/delete permissions.

File viewing §

If you have a related file viewing application installed and have correct permissions, you can view the file. PDXpert launches the installed application that's related to the file extension (such as .dwg, .xlsx, .sch).

It's often useful to attach the original design file (a CAD or word-processing file) to maintain control over the design data, and include one or more equivalent files (.pdf, .jpg, .txt) that can be viewed by people who do not have access to the original authoring application.

File formats §

PDXpert manages files made by any Windows application. When you attach the file, the system saves selected file system metadata, such as creation date, and whatever text is indexed by Windows Search Service.

Microsoft Windows provides good cross-platform file support. However, archive files – .zip, .7z, .rar, and similar general purpose lossless compression formats – should be made only on a Windows machine. See the File tab help topic.

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