Attributes page (part)

Default unit of measure §

The unit of measure specifies how a part is purchased and consumed. Although most parts are individual units, and therefore each is often appropriate, some production items are measured using categories such as length, volume or weight.

Some units of measure aren't useful for counting parts, so each unit's Unit of Measure Categories collection defines whether it is included in this list. For example, manufactured parts are not purchased in units of voltage or torque.

The part's default unit of measure may be modified when the part is added to a BOM. In this case, the default unit determines the set of compatible units of measure that can be applied. See the Lock part default unit of measure on BOM system rule help topic.

After the part has been released, an administrator can modify the part's default unit of measure by using the Tools menu: Administrator override command.

After the part has been released, changing the part's default unit of measure may have unexpected effects.

If you can't be sure of the impact, the safest path is to treat a new UOM as a non-interchangeable change: Create a new part record with the preferred Default unit of measure, revise all BOMs to replace the old part, and cancel the old part when you release its replacement.

Changing a released Default unit of measure value may affect or damage data records shared with other computer systems. Check that other systems can accept a unit change, and that inventory balances, purchase orders and other records can be updated.

Check the effect on your BOMs. Use the part's Appears On: BOM list to identify all affected assemblies, quantities, and units of measure.

The new Default unit of measure must be in the same UOM Category as the previous unit. Do not change the unit from one UOM category to a unit in a different UOM category. For example, do not assign a Length category unit (like cm) if the part uses a Count category unit (like each).

After changing the value, check that the Minimum order quantity and Standard package quantity units are correct; also check the Unit cost per default unit value.

If the Lock part default unit of measure on BOM system rule is marked, then all related BOM rows are automatically updated to use the part's new default unit. The quantity is not affected. You may need to revise the quantity on each BOM. If the Lock part default unit of measure on BOM system rule is not marked, then review (and perhaps revise) each affected BOM to ensure that the part's quantity and unit are correct.

Make/buy §
Select the method used to get the part. The available selection is managed in the Make/Buy Categories collection.
BOM type code §
This value identifies how the part is aggregated or consumed in production. While Direct material is most common, parts may be usefully given other classifications, such as Phantom (a virtual assembly) or Kit (left unassembled). The available selection is managed in the BOM Type Codes collection.
Global number (GTIN, UPC, etc.) §
Use this field for an equivalent part number known by a third party such as NATO NSN, GS1 GTIN or UPC EAN-13, or a customer.
Location §
This specifies the place where the item can be found, such as a warehouse shelf or storage bin identifier. This value is included on the Pick List (sometimes called a "knock-down kit") report.
Handling/storage advisory §
This shows any health or safety hazard, or special handling or storage considerations, for the part. The list is specified in the Handling/Storage Categories collection.
Meets regulatory requirements §

When marked, the part meets the requirement shown.

Your administrator may have hidden this field, or specified a more appropriate label such as RoHS compliant or Meets UL 508, in the Part Types collection member window.

Language §
The part may have labels or other nomenclature in this language, which need not be the same language as that used by PDXpert. When a new part is made, the owning organization's default language is copied to this field, but the value can be overridden.
Process time §
Enter the length of time that it takes to fabricate, machine, assemble or otherwise produce the part. Internally-fabricated components often have process time and no lead time.
Lead time §
Enter the time that it takes to receive the part or material from a supplier. Purchased components typically have lead time and no process time.
Minimum order quantity §

If the part supplier requires a minimum order, or your production line is scheduled based on economically efficient production quantities, then enter the value here.

The unit of measure value is first given the part's Default unit of measure value. While the unit matches the Default unit of measure, it follows any change to the Default unit of measure. If the value is given a different part unit of measure, then changes to the Default unit of measure are ignored.

Before changing this unit of measure, check that your manufacturing systems accept a unit of measure different than the part default.

Standard package quantity §

The part supplier may define a package quantity, such as a wire reel of 100 meters, which you can record here.

The unit of measure value is first given the part's Default unit of measure value. While the unit matches the Default unit of measure, it follows any change to the Default unit of measure. If the value is given a different part unit of measure, then changes to the Default unit of measure are ignored.

Before changing this unit of measure, check that your manufacturing systems accept a unit of measure different than the part default.

End of Life (EOL) recovery method §
Specify the method by which the part can be reclaimed or recycled. Many parts can be refurbished or disassembled, while others can be broken down for their basic chemicals. The list is specified in the Recovery Methods collection.
Cost: Unit cost per default unit, Quoted quantity, As on §

This information is used for calculating the total cost for an assembly that includes the part. It also can provide useful information to other designers about the cost of the part for their own applications.

On assembly parts, this value is normally left empty. To always get the current assembly cost, the cost is calculated "on demand" using a cost roll-up report. When a non-zero value is shown on an assembly, it's added to the BOM roll-up cost; for example, you can show an overhead or labor cost.

Part must be: Certified, Serialized §
Mark these checkboxes if the part is a critical component that requires certification (or "first article" acceptance) prior to use, and/or requires each production unit to be uniquely identified.
Do not include in roll-up: Cost §
This checkbox zeroes out the cost of the item during cost rollup calculations. For instance, if the item is floor stock (such as a machine screw) and is expensed in manufacturing overhead, you may want to exclude it from the unit assembly cost. If you exclude a subassembly's cost, then the costs for all items within its lower-level structure(s) are also ignored.
Do not include in roll-up: Mass & materials §
When the checkbox is marked, the item's mass and materials aren't included in a mass roll-up, materials content, materials declaration or similar report.
Do not include in roll-up: Lower-level mass/materials §

This checkbox is enabled on parts that have the Show BOM tab checkbox marked in the part's Part Types collection member.

When the checkbox is marked, the mass and materials reported to higher-level assemblies in roll-up reports is simply whatever is contained in this item's Part mass (weight) and Materials list. Any mass or materials contained in items on the current item's BOM are ignored.

When the checkbox is cleared, the mass and materials reported to higher-level assemblies in roll-up reports is the recursive sum of items on the current item's BOM, plus the current item's Part mass (weight) and Materials list.

Regardless of the setting of this checkbox, the value reported to higher-level assemblies are excluded (reported as zero) if the Exclude item from roll-up: Mass & materials checkbox on the part Attributes is marked.

Items shown on Sources lists have no effect on mass or materials roll-up calculations.

Snapshot from §

If the part is copied from a snapshot source (Edit ➔ Snapshot...), then this shows the original source. Open the source item by double-clicking it. Removing the source item deletes this reference.

This field is shown only when the item was copied from another item. Removing (deleting) the source item from the system deletes this reference.

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