
On the PDXpert Application Server, the Manage page contains controls for maintaining and modifying your PLM database.

To avoid damaging or losing your data: Refer to each PDXpert Application Server help topic for important operating procedures.

Do not rename the database logical name, PDXpertDB, or physical file names, PDXpertDB.mdf / PDXpertDB_Log.ldf. Do not move the physical files out of the \Data\Database folder.

Do not add files to the server's \Data\ folder or its subfolders. Unrecognized files may interfere with proper operation or may be deleted without warning.

Maintenance §

While clients are using the system, you can back up your database and library, reset the super administrator's password, and save log files for technical support.

Backup... §
The Backup button makes a database backup, which may include (.pdxz) or exclude (.bak) the file library. See the Back up the database and library help topic.
Reset Admin §
The Reset Admin button resets the current super administrator account to use a blank password. Clicking the button shows the super administrator's log-in account name which you can use, with a blank password, to log into the PDXpert client. See the Reset the administrator password help topic.
Save Log Files... §

The Save Log Files... button saves the set of PDXpert Application Server's diagnostic files into a single compressed (.zip) file.

The log files are managed in %ProgramFiles%\PDXpert\PDXpert PLM\Logs Open this folder by pressing the Alt key while clicking the button.

System changes §

When you perform a function within this group of controls, the PDXpert client communication service is stopped. Users are forced out of the database without warning.

Restore From Backup... §
The Restore From Backup button lets you browse for a backup file to restore, which can have either a .PDXZ or .BAK file extension. See the Restore data from a backup help topic.
Reset System §
The Reset System button overwrites the current database with the starting values of an empty database, and deletes all files in the library. See the Reset the database and library help topic.
Change Data Directory... §

This defines the folder base location for storing library files, the product database, and other data. Separate subfolders are added automatically within the selected location. See the Change the data directory help topic.

The Copy button copies the folder path to the Windows Clipboard. The Open... button opens the folder in File Explorer.

Change Database Server... §
Select the SQL Server database instance from the dropdown list; for example, .\PDXPERT. See the Change the database server help topic.

Client installation §

The PDXpert Application Server has an http: service that can deliver the PDXpert client installer to other computers on local or public networks.

To download the client installer, open a web browser to the link shown. The link is of the format http://servername:port/client/setup where servername is the server computer's machine name (or IP address), and the port value is usually 48084.

Click this button to copy the browser link to the Windows clipboard, which can then be pasted into (for example) an email.
Save Client Installer... §
Click this button to save a copy the PDXpert client installer (.EXE file) to a convenient location.