PLM software glossary

* operator
Search wildcard that can be replaced by zero or more characters.
? operator
Search wildcard that can be replaced by exactly one character.
+ operator
Term is required as part of search results.
- operator
Term is excluded from search results.
&& operator
Logical AND search operator that requires both terms in the results.
|| operator
Logical OR search operator that requires at least one of the terms in the results.
[   TO   ]
A range from one item numbers to another, including the range end points.
~ operator
Requires two terms to be within a specified distance: ~3 allows gap of up to 3 words.
(  ) group
Makes a logical group of terms for Boolean (AND / && or OR / ||) functions.
"  " group
Groups one or more valid characters and spaces to make a search term.
Role with permissions to manage collections and system rules, and use system tools.
advisory change form
A change form that approves limited or future action without changing any listed items.
affected item
A part or document that is shown on a change form's Affected list.
Letters A-Z, a-z and their Unicode equivalents, and the digits 0-9.
alternate parts
A set of parts that are interchangeable for a specific use, and not for all uses.
Role with 'super trustee' permissions and can manage change workflow.
ANSI Basic alphanumeric
ANSI Basic Latin letters A-Z, a-z and the digits 0-9 (ANSI x30-39; x41-5A; x61-7A).
ANSI Basic hexadecimal
ANSI Basic Latin letters A-F, a-f and the digits 0-9 (ANSI x30-39; x41-46; x61-66).
ANSI Basic uppercase alphanumeric
ANSI Basic Latin letters A-Z and the digits 0-9 (ANSI x30-39; x41-5A).
ANSI Extended alphanumeric
Letters A-Z, a-z and the digits 0-9, with extended characters like à.
ANSI Extended uppercase alphanumeric
Letters A-Z and the digits 0-9, with extended characters like À.
A combination of two or more parts; or, a single part that's modified to create a different part.
Electronic file saved in PDXpert library.
Basic Latin alphanumeric
Letters A-Z, a-z and the digits 0-9 (ANSI x30-39; x41-5A; x61-7A).
Basic Latin uppercase alphanumeric
Letters A-Z and the digits 0-9 (ANSI x30-39; x41-5A).
bill of materials
The list of all physical items needed for an assembly.
bulk query
A SQL database query that doesn't need the user to select an item.
Iteration that has been replaced or is obsolete, and cannot be used for any purpose.
Item revision in process to be canceled.
change form
Approved action that affects part and document records, with supporting details.
change notice
Releases a set of item iterations that are released or canceled.
change request
A proposal to make a future change to an item, without affecting its current release status.
child item
A BOM, source or reference item that is listed on a higher-level parent item.
child part
A part that is on a higher-level parent item's BOM, Sources or References list.
The basic Document, Part and Change Form objects managed by PDXpert.
client UDV
A user-designed view that uses SQLite SELECT statements for a client-side ODBC database.
context menu
A set of commands shown by clicking the secondary (usually right) mouse button.
conversion constant
Quantity of UOM Category's default member needed to equal the converted unit of measure.
The set of all terms and operators used to define the search.
current list
The last set of child iterations approved for use on the selected parent iteration.
custom attribute
An extension to the standard item attributes that is specified by the administrator.
data list
The list of all reference documents for producing an item or other outcome.
Number characters and delimiters as YYYY-MM-DD [ISO8601] or MM/DD/YYYY [US].
design part
A part with unique specification that may be made internally or by a contract manufacturer.
A temporary change to an approved part as the result of a production problem.
An item record describing a part or procedure, or related supporting information.
executing change form
A change form that releases and cancels affected iterations.
external link
An item resource on the network or internet that PDXpert doesn't copy or control.
find number
A part's row number on a BOM to track the row's revision history, and to compare similar BOMs.
Can physically mate with, interconnect to, or assembled into another part.
Useful physical properties that make a part correct for a specified use.
forward secrecy
Encryption to ensure that session data is secure against future certificate compromise.
full-function user account
Lets users manage items, approve change forms, or edit system settings.
Action that a part performs in meeting its designed purpose.
Identifies a change review responsibility, and persons who are assigned that responsibility.
home organization
Organization that licenses PDXpert and whose users manage its designs.
identifier set
Class, Owner, Type, and/or Number attributes selected for identifying parts and documents.
Form, fit and function that is equal to another item.
A distinct part, document or change form.
item attachment
An electronic file copied and attached to an item as background or history.
item file
File copy or external link attached to an item as background or history.
item number
Given by an organization to uniquely identify its document, part or change form.
Approved technical content (revision) used for a specified business purpose (lifecycle).
Steps between the starting point of a multi-level BOM report and the current BOM part list.
letter character
Any valid character in ranges A to Z, a to z or its local language Unicode equivalent.
A PDXpert Application Server file system folder that contains all file attachments.
lifecycle phase
Item's ability to be used for a specified business use.
local views database
A subset of public views and user-defined views used by CAD and other ODBC clients.
localhost client
A PDXpert client automatically installed with the PDXpert Server application on a single computer.
manufacturer source
A part designed and supplied by a partner and approved for use by the home organization.
markup list
First child iterations added to a specified parent iteration, before any interchangeable changes.
A chemical substance or compound typically identified for regulatory compliance reporting.
MSU subscription
Perpetual license's maintenance, support and upgrades subscription.
named user account
A log-in name and password assigned to one person that lets that person use PDXpert.
network client
A PDXpert client that is installed on a network computer separate from the PDXpert Server.
One or more characters in the range 0 to 9.
A symbol that signals special treatment for the immediately-following term.
Optical Character Recognition extracts text from an image.
parameterized query
A SQL database query that returns results based on a user selection.
parent item
Item that has items on its BOM, Sources, References, or other lists.
Physical item that is made, bought, or assembled as a product for sale or other use.
part unit of measure
UOM category member that is useful for specifying a BOM quantity.
partner organization
Organization providing documents or parts used by the Home organization.
password salt
Unrelated data added to a password to force a unique hash to protect common passwords.
PDX package
File to move product data from PDXpert to partners using the IPC-2570 standards.
Iteration that is being prepared for release.
perpetual license
Software use on one server by the licensed named user accounts without upgrade or renewal.
private view
Private database tables that provide semi-standardized data to internal processes.
public view
Virtual database tables that provide stable, standardized product data to external applications.
purchased part
Home part that uses qualified interchangeable manufacturer source parts without alteration.
A list of items that are waiting to be processed.
read-only user account
Lets users view, report and export data, but not to add, edit or approve data.
A supporting document or process-related part used to make or validate the current item.
reference designator
Links a specific part on a diagram to its unique physical location in an assembly.
relative maturity
Intended use where pre-production < 0, production (fully usable) is 0, post-production > 0.
release state
One of pending (before approval), released (approved for use), or canceled (approval ended).
Iteration with technical content that is approved for its selected business purpose.
Item iteration in process to be released.
The user who reviews a change form on behalf of a group.
An identified level of technical content of an item.
revision file
Electronic file attached to a specific revision with controlled technical content.
search term
Valid characters in quotes, or a token, but not including any operator that acts on the term.
search token
A sequence of one or more valid characters.
server UDV
A user-specified view that uses standard Microsoft SQL Server SELECT statements.
An existing item copied to a new record that has similar requirements.
source part
A part designed and supplied by a partner and approved for use by the home organization.
source rank
Preferred use of equivalent sources based on technical attributes or performance.
stop word
A common word that won't add value to searches, and is not indexed.
An indented list of parts and supporting references needed to produce an assembly.
subscription license
Software use on one server by the licensed named user accounts that requires periodic payment.
substitute part
A part that's interchangeable as a Source (all uses) or an Alternate (limited use).
super administrator
Default member of the Persons collection with special permissions.
A character that is not an alphanumeric (A-Z,0-9) character.
title case
Format where the first character of a word is uppercase and all others are lowercase.
The attributes and rules for different objects within a class.
user-specified view
A Views member that filters and sorts data from public views and other user-specified views.
valid character
Any user-entered alphanumeric or symbol character, except non-display control characters.
A "family" of parts that share many properties, with each having a unique part number.
A label given by another configuration management system to identify an iteration.