Tools menu

User tools §

Menu icon Report/Export Wizard... §

Opens the Report/Export Wizard for exporting data files and running specialized reports using members of the Transforms collection. This command is available when the user's role has Allow Transforms marked. See the Use the Report/Export Wizard help topic.

Menu icon Markup Wizard... §

Opens the Markup Wizard for revising the list of child items that are shown on groups of parent items. This command is available when the user's role has Is an analyst marked for both Documents and Parts. See the Use Markup Wizard help topic.

Menu icon User Settings... §
Opens the User Settings form, which lets you manage personal settings. See the Adjust your user settings help topic.
Menu icon Passwords... §

Opens the Set Password dialog, which lets you change your local account password. This command is not available if you have logged into PDXpert using a domain account, which is like {domain}\{username}. See the Set your password help topic.

Menu icon Export/Report ⏵ §

Shows selected members of the Transforms collection. Commands are shown only when the user's role has Allow Transforms marked, and where the transform's context location is UserArea. See the Running the report: Custom reports help topic.

Administrator tools §

These commands are available when the user's role has Collections/Rules administrator marked.

Before using an administrator tool, read the help topic carefully.

✔ Administrator Override §

If you have been given an administrator role, then you can select this option to correct minor text or list selection errors in released items. This option isn't used to edit attributes normally managed by the item trustee, analysts and product team members. While the option is enabled, the status bar shows Administrator Override tool is active. See the Use Administrator Override help topic.

WARNING: This suspends system rules that protect database records.

  • CAD software or supply chain systems may rely on a current value in PDXpert. Check that other systems will accept (or ignore) your changes.
  • Before making changes to a production system, back up your database and confirm that no other users are using the system.
  • After making changes, test your changes in item records, related reports, PDX packages, and Transforms to ensure there are no unexpected effects in PDXpert or other computer systems.
  • Edit only the attributes shown below. Never use the ✔ Administrator Override option to add or remove BOM, reference, source, or revision file relationships. Use the standard change revision process to add or remove items on these lists.

To protect your data from accidental changes, select this option only when necessary, and clear it as soon as the task is finished.

Menu icon Batch Importer... §
To load data from another source, and to update part and document records, see the Use the Batch Importer help topic.
Menu icon Email Management... §
Opens the Email Management tool, which lets administrators manage the outbound email notice settings and queue. See the Email management help topic.
Menu icon Index Status... §

The Index Status tool shows the status of indexed items (documents, parts, change forms) and file attachments.

The Re-index button rebuilds the database table indexes and replaces the search engine index. See the Index Status help topic.

Menu icon Recursion Assistant... §
The Recursion Assistant examines your database for cyclic errors on multi-level bills of materials. See the Use the Recursion Assistant help topic.
Menu icon Software License Key... §
To enter your license key, see the Enter the software license key help topic.
Menu icon System Rules... §
Opens the System Rules tool, which lets administrators manage the software's functions. See the System Rules tool help topic.
Menu icon Update Currencies... §

You can update the exchange rate for members of the Currencies collection. If you change the default member and then run this tool, the default member's Exchange rate is set to 1 and the exchange rate for every other currency is re-calculated.

This free currency update service relies on one or more third-party providers to get exchange rates for your convenience. These providers' accuracy, reliability, licensing, service interface, and availability are not guaranteed. You may need to update PDXpert to reflect provider changes; future PDXpert releases may not include a free update service. If the service is unavailable or doesn't meet your needs, then manually edit the exchange rates or update values with a SQL query.

Menu icon User Management... §
To manage your user accounts, see the Manage user accounts help topic.
Menu icon Export/Report ⏵ §

Shows selected members of the Transforms collection. Commands are shown only when the administrator's role has Allow Transforms marked, and where the transform's context location is AdministratorArea.