Make a new document

Any user who is assigned a role with appropriate permissions can create a new document record and its first iteration.

There are two methods for creating a new document record.

  • On the Item Explorer's New tab, scroll through the list of available document types. Click on the appropriate row to create a new document of the specified type.

  • From the Item menu, select the Create Document line. (Or, press your keyboard's F9 key.) A wizard will open, and walk you through the steps necessary to create the basic attributes for your new document.

    • Select the new document's Type. This determines the attributes of the new document, such as document numbering, revision format, and starting lifecycle.

    • Select the document's Owner value. Although the home organization is the default, you can choose a partner organization.

      The content of a home document is controlled by your organization: you specify the document number and title, technical revision, business lifecycle, information it contains, when it's released, when it gets revised and when it becomes obsolete. A partner organization document is where these elements are designed and controlled by a different organization, and your organization simply references that document for your own purposes.

      If you begin typing an organization's name into the control, the list is filtered.

    • If you select the home organization as the Owner, then the system may give the new document number for you, or you may enter a document number. When you select a partner organization, you must enter the number that the partner gave to the document.

Complete your new document: