Other software licenses

Any licenses for third-party software that are applicable to the installation and operation of PDXpert may be obtained as described below, or by contacting HX3 Solutions, Inc.

Microsoft SSEE software license §

The license(s) for Microsoft SQL Server and its related software are saved during the SSEE installation procedure. The End-User License Agreement (EULA) files are in the Microsoft SQL Server \EULA folder, typically located within C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\

Other third-party licenses §

Third-party software may be used in the software product. For your convenience, related licenses are included in the application server installation \website\bin\ path. For example:

  • DockPanelSuite (MIT license)
  • DotNetZip (BSD, Apache, MIT, zlib licenses)
  • Lucene.NET (Apache software license 2.0)
  • Microsoft Report Viewer Runtime for SQL Server
  • Microsoft System CLR Types for SQL Server
  • NLog (BSD license)

The product may also incorporate third-party software that is in the public domain or does not require distribution of a license. Such software may include, for example:

  • OpenXML (Microsoft Open Specification Promise)
  • SQLite (Public Domain statement)