Help styles

On the Contents list of this help guide, you'll see icons that represent:

  A group of related topics (a "chapter"). Click on the Expand icon to expand the group and show the topics.

  A help topic. Click on the title to show the topic in the right panel.

In describing this application, a help topic may show these styles:

  • Key is a key that you press on your computer's keyboard.
  • System data is shown by the application or operating system. For example, it's used in the main window's status bar.
  • Item contains a complete item, collection member or tool. It's shown in the workspace.
  • Page selects one page of information, typically on a form as a page selector ("tab"). A Topic page that contains a Related page may be shown in this guide as Topic: Related

  • Explorer selects the Collection Explorer or Item Explorer. It's shown in the Explorer selectors.
  • Group Node Node shows a "navigation tree" group node to expand, and a node to select.
  • Default collection member in the Collection Explorer.

  • Inactive collection member in the Collection Explorer.

  • Data label shows the name of a data entry field or selection, or is instruction text.
  • Data entry is the data that you type or otherwise provide.
  • Menu ➔ Command shows the menu to click, and the command to select.
  • Selected value shows a selection from a list of choices in a dropdown list.
  • This is a checkbox It may be marked (true or yes) or not (false or no).
  • This is a radio button It shows one selection from a limited set of options.
  • Button causes an action when it's clicked with your computer mouse. The action may also be caused by a keyboard key, such as Enter or Esc.

Notes provide special information:

A warning identifies areas that require extra caution to prevent damaging your data.

Understand the effects of your action. If you need to explore possible results, use a separate test environment.

Some actions cannot be reversed or undone, so back up your data before you begin.

A note directs your attention to important issues and PDXpert business rules.

A tip may make your PDXpert use more productive, but it's not essential to successful operation.

Item iteration release state §
  • Pending icon Pending

  • Released icon Released

  • Canceled icon Canceled

Document class with release state §
  • Document icon Document
  • Pending document icon Pending
  • Released document icon Released
  • Canceled document icon Canceled
Part class with release state §
  • Part icon Part
  • Pending part icon Pending
  • Released part icon Released
  • Canceled part icon Canceled
Change form class with lifecycle status §
  • Change form icon Change form
  • Summary status:
  • In-work change forms In-work status
  • Success change forms Released or completed status
  • Failure change forms Canceled or rejected status
  • In work:
  • Originated change icon Originated
  • Submitted change icon Submitted to analyst
  • Routed change icon Routed for approval
  • Held change icon Held awaiting more information
  • Stopped change icon Stopped after disapproval, wait for an analyst to select the next step
  • Accepted change icon Accepted, and waiting for analyst final review
  • Success:
  • Released change icon Released. All reviewers approved the change. The analyst completes the change.
  • Completed change icon Completed. The affected items are dispositioned.
  • Failure:
  • Canceled change icon Canceled, after a reviewer disapproved. The analyst deletes the change.
  • Rejected change icon Rejected, after a reviewer disapproved. The change form is kept permanently.
Change form reviewer response §
  • Approve change icon Approve

  • Disapprove change icon Disapprove

  • Hold change icon Hold

Change affected items and dispositioning §
  • Release iteration icon Change releases iteration

  • Cancel iteration icon Change cancels iteration

  • Disposition icon Iteration disposition row

  • Home icon Show/hide home items

  • Partner icon Show/hide partner items

  • Part icon Show/hide parts

  • Document icon Show/hide documents

  • Collapse list icon Collapse list to hide details

  • Expand list icon Expand list to show details

  • Add disposition icon Add disposition button.

  • Delete disposition icon Delete disposition button

  • Releasing affected item

  • Releasing and canceling affected item

  • Canceling affected item

Advisory and executing changes §
  • Executing change icon Executing

  • Advisory change icon Advisory

Change and task priorities §
  • High priority icon High
  • Normal priority icon Normal
  • Low priority icon Low
Email queue status §
  •  Email ready
  •  Email blocked
  •  Email failed
Other icons show actions and status §
  •  ≡  Page has data

  •  Error, such as missing or duplicate record

  •  Warning, such as duplicate collection abbreviation

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