Custom collections

Collection Explorer Custom group Administrator-assigned collection

Before making any changes to custom collections:
1. All users other than the administrator should exit the PDXpert application.
2. The administrator should close all open records (Item ➔ Close All).

Restart the PDXpert application when you've finished your changes.

Purpose §

Defines a list of choices that are shown within a custom attribute.

Where used §

Custom attributes in documents, parts, change forms

Data fields §

Collection §

Name §

This is the custom collection's name within the Custom group.

Do not use the name of a standard collection, such as Persons, for a new custom collection. Although the system lets you use the same name, it's potentially confusing to users. Future PDXpert capabilities may require unique collection names, and custom collections with the same name may need to be renamed later.

The collection name is typically plural (Colors, Sizes, Categories, etc.).

Description §
This describes the function or purpose of the collection.

Collection member §

Name §
This is the complete name for the collection member.
Abbreviation §
Specifies a short version of the member name. Although not used within the application, that database value may be available for export via a Transforms object.
Description §
This describes the function or purpose of the member.
Custom collection §
Identifies the collection that contains the member. When first adding the member, you can move it to a different collection; however, after saving, the member can't be moved.
Active: users can select
Default member of collection §
See the Managing collections: Common attributes help topic.
The first member of the collection is set as the default. If the collection has more than one member, the default can be changed to a different member.
Making a custom collection member inactive makes it unavailable for new uses, but doesn't remove it from any items where it's used.

Setup §

The Batch Importer tool can import new Custom collections and their members.

A custom collection defines a fixed set of choices that can be selected in your items' custom attributes.

Custom collections can be made to meet a detailed need, or to be broadly reusable. For example, if you want a list of possible paint colors for a part, the custom collection might be called either Colors or, more narrowly, Paint colors. The choice affects the number of collections, and how you'll manage each one over time.

Consider whether:

  • the collection can be used for different purposes — that is, the collection members are generic (Red) or narrow (Copper Sunset) —, and
  • changes to the custom collection's members — say, new colors — will be appropriate in all the places that the collection is used.

Consider adding a standard record, such as Not specified, as the default collection member. When adding a custom attribute in a part type, document type or change form template, use this standard member as the default. The value is shown until the user gives a useful collection member to the item.