Setup introduction

Starting out §

Setting up PDXpert is straightforward:

  • Install the PDXpert Server, which installs your first PDXpert client
  • Install PDXpert clients on other workstations as needed
  • Review and, if necessary, configure PDXpert's settings

The installation details are given in the PDXpert PLM Software Installation Guide section of the PDXpert website.

Configuration §

After you install PDXpert, it's immediately ready to run. A standard configuration—such as countries, user roles, units of measure, part types, materials, change forms and other information—has been loaded into the database for you.

However, you'll probably want to review and change these default settings to accurately reflect your organization's own product data management preferences.

  1. Review the system rules, which control a handful of global application settings.
  2. Review and modify the collections, which define what attributes are available for your documents, parts and change forms.
    • Places/Organizations/Persons: identify regional information, your own and other organizations, people and their roles and responsibilities.
    • General: item numbering and revision formats, units of measure and data import/export formats
    • Documents: classify document types and their attributes
    • Parts: define properties of physical items such as make/buy categories, materials used, and recovery methods
    • Changes: review change form attributes like priorities, reasons, workflow and change form templates
  3. Set the outbound email account to send workflow notices to your users. See the Email management help topic.

Some steps build on the tasks that you've previously completed, and the sequence we provide will minimize jumping around.

Initializing your database using the Batch Importer §

Many companies have legacy data from a variety of engineering and manufacturing sources. These can be consolidated and imported into the PDXpert system.

Use the Batch Importer (on the Tools menu) to import part and document records, bills of materials, and approved supplier sources. You can also automatically attach design drawing files and specifications to their items, and import the files into the system library.