PDXpert PLM Software
On-line Help Guide
This help topic describes the current PDXpert PLM release. Earlier releases may be different. To view your release's version of this topic, open PDXpert and press the F1 key or select the Help menu.
Add or remove approved sources
The Sources lists show each partner organization part that is approved as a source. The list of sources is sometimes called an Approved Manufacturer List (AML) or Approved Vendor List (AVL).
Only a part record can be the source for a different part. You can't drop a document record onto the Markup list.
The source rank shows the designer's technical preference of some source parts over others.
You must first make a partner part record before you can add it to the Markup list. A partner part record is just like your home organization's part record, but shows the partner organization as the record Owner, and uses the partner-issued ordering number in the record's Number field.
To modify the Sources: Markup list, the part must have a pending iteration. While the part iteration remains pending, all of your work is managed on the Sources: Markup list. After the part record is released using an executing change form (such as a Change Notice), your source items show on the iteration's Sources: Current list.
To minimize possible database conflicts, save or close all items that you'll be adding to the Markup list.
Add a source part §
To add a source part onto a pending iteration of the part's Markup list:
Click on the Markup list and, if necessary, scroll it to expose an empty area.
Using the Item Explorer, locate the source part that you want to add to the part record.
Although a partner usually supplies the source part, it's sometimes useful to use a home organization part as a source.
Drag the part from the Item Explorer and drop it onto an empty area of the Markup list. The icon in the Add/Remove column is
and the child part is given a rank number.
If you change your mind, you can remove the added row: select the row, and press your keyboard's Delete key or select the context menu
command. - Modify the attributes on the Markup row as appropriate.
Remove a released source part §
Each approved source part is independent of all others. When a source part is no longer approved, it's simply removed and any newly-qualified sources are added.
To remove an existing child part (one that was added and released on a previous iteration of the parent part) from the pending iteration's Markup list:
Select the part, and press the keyboard Delete key, or select the context menu
command. The child part isn't actually deleted; instead, the "keep" iconin the Add/Remove column becomes a red "take off" icon
, signaling that the part will be removed from the list when the parent part is released on a change form.
If you change your mind, you can restore a row that's to be removed from the list: select
from the context menu.
- 0001. Welcome!
- 0002. Help styles
- 0100. PDXpert Application Server
- 0101. Server overview
- 0200. How to...
- 0300. Console reference
- 0301. Manage
- 0302. Information
- 0303. About
- 0400. How to start the PDXpert client
- 0401. Log into PDXpert
- 0402. Enter the software license key
- 0403. Solve client problems
- 0404. Set your password
- 0500. PDXpert introduction
- 0501. PLM summary
- 0502. Item identification
- 0503. Item iterations
- 0504. Item: Document
- 0505. Item: Part
- 0506. Item: Change form
- 0507. File attachments
- 0508. User roles & permissions
- 0600. How to set up PDXpert
- 0601. Setup introduction
- 0602. Setup: System rules
- 0603. Setup: Collections
- 0604. Setup: Places/Organizations/Persons
- 0605. Setup: General
- 0606. Setup: Documents
- 0607. Setup: Parts
- 0608. Setup: Changes
- 0700. How to use the Item Explorer
- 0701. Item Explorer
- 0702. Make a new item
- 0703. Search for items
- 0704. Use search commands
- 0705. Recent items
- 0706. Files in work
- 0707. Tasks open
- 0708. Open an item related to another item
- 0800. How to use the Collection Explorer
- 0801. View a collection
- 0802. Add a new collection member
- 0803. Modify a collection member
- 0804. Remove a collection member
- 0900. How to work with documents
- 0901. How to work with documents
- 1000. How to start a document
- 1001. Make a new document
- 1002. Snapshot a document
- 1003. Fill in the new document
- 1004. Add or remove references
- 1005. Start and update a task
- 1006. Save your document
- 1007. Remove your document
- 1008. Release your document
- 1009. Manage a released document
- 1010. Revise a released document
- 1011. Cancel a released document
- 1100. How to work with parts
- 1101. How to work with parts
- 1200. How to start a part
- 1201. Make a new part
- 1202. Snapshot a part
- 1203. Fill in the new part
- 1204. Add, modify or remove BOM parts
- 1205. Import a CAD BOM
- 1206. Add or remove approved sources
- 1207. Add or remove references
- 1208. Add or remove materials
- 1209. Start and update a task
- 1210. Save your part
- 1211. Remove your part
- 1212. Release your part
- 1213. Revise a released part
- 1214. Manage a released part
- 1215. Cancel a released part
- 1300. How to revise multiple markups
- 1301. Use Markup Wizard
- 1302. Add child items
- 1303. Replace a child item
- 1304. Remove child items
- 1400. How to work with change forms
- 1401. Processing a change
- 1500. How to start a change form
- 1501. Originate a new change form
- 1502. Snapshot a change form
- 1503. Start and update a task
- 1504. Analyze a submitted change
- 1505. Fix change form routing errors
- 1506. Remove your change form
- 1507. Review a routed change
- 1508. Resolve an on-hold change
- 1509. Analyze an accepted change
- 1510. Use a released change
- 1511. View a completed change
- 1512. Analyze a stopped change
- 1513. View a rejected change
- 1514. Remove a canceled change
- 1515. Return a submitted change
- 1600. How to work with file attachments
- 1601. Attach a revision file
- 1602. Attach an item file
- 1603. Attach an external link
- 1604. Viewing a file
- 1605. Copy a file
- 1606. Check out a file
- 1607. Check in a file
- 1608. Free a file lock
- 1609. Remove a revision file
- 1610. Remove item file or link
- 1700. How to report, import & export
- 1701. Run a report
- 1702. Export a PDX package
- 1703. Use the DataGrid
- 1704. Use the Report/Export Wizard
- 1800. Import & update items
- 1801. Use the Batch Importer
- 1802. Item Master import
- 1803. Iteration-level relational imports
- 1804. Bill of materials import
- 1805. References import
- 1806. Revision files import
- 1807. Sources import
- 1808. Item-level relational imports
- 1809. Item files & links import
- 1810. Item materials import
- 1811. Item product families import
- 1812. Groups collection import
- 1813. Materials collection import
- 1814. Organizations collection import
- 1815. Product families collection import
- 1816. Persons collection import
- 1817. Custom collection import
- 1900. View & export via ODBC
- 1901. View database objects
- 1902. Create an ODBC connection
- 1903. ItemViews reference
- 1904. ReferencePairViews reference
- 1905. SourcePairViews reference
- 1906. SourceItemMasterView reference
- 1907. StructurePairViews reference
- 1908. ChangeViews reference
- 1909. ChangePairViews reference
- 1910. FilePairMasterView reference
- 2000. How to do other tasks
- 2001. Adjust your user settings
- 2002. Arrange the Explorer windows
- 2003. Get technical help
- 2004. Manage user accounts
- 2005. Manage system emails
- 2006. Use Administrator Override
- 2007. Check index status
- 2008. Use the Recursion Assistant
- 2100. Menu reference
- 2101. Item menu
- 2102. Edit menu
- 2103. Tools menu
- 2104. Process menu
- 2105. Window menu
- 2106. Help menu
- 2200. Document reference
- 2201. Document summary
- 2202. General
- 2203. Attributes
- 2204. Custom
- 2205. References
- 2206. Appears On
- 2207. Files
- 2208. Tasks
- 2209. Notes
- 2300. Part reference
- 2301. Part summary
- 2302. General
- 2303. Attributes
- 2304. Custom
- 2305. Materials
- 2306. BOM (Bill of Materials)
- 2307. Sources
- 2308. References
- 2309. Appears On
- 2310. Files
- 2311. Tasks
- 2312. Notes
- 2400. Change Form reference
- 2500. System Rules reference
- 2501. System Rules tool
- 2502. General: Copy files to snapshot
- 2503. General: Copy previous tasks
- 2504. General: Item uniqueness definition
- 2505. General: Reviewer comment required
- 2506. General: Unlock change form Files (rule)
- 2507. General: Unlock change form Tasks (rule)
- 2508. Password Policy
- 2509. References Tabs
- 2510. BOM: Limit part to one row
- 2511. BOM: Lock part unit of measure
- 2512. BOM: Allow partner parts
- 2600. Collections reference
- 2601. Managing collections
- 2602. Custom attributes
- 2700. Places/Organizations/Persons
- 2701. Languages
- 2702. Currencies
- 2703. Countries
- 2704. Partner classifications
- 2705. Roles
- 2706. Persons
- 2707. Groups
- 2708. Organizations
- 2800. General
- 2801. Item lifecycle phases
- 2802. Product families
- 2803. Sequences: Identifier
- 2804. Sequences: Revision
- 2805. Unit of Measure categories
- 2806. Units of Measure (UoM)
- 2807. Transforms
- 2900. Documents
- 2901. Media/locations
- 2902. Document types
- 3000. Parts
- 3001. BOM type codes
- 3002. Handling/storage categories
- 3003. Make/buy categories
- 3004. Material categories
- 3005. Material constraints
- 3006. Materials
- 3007. Recovery methods
- 3008. Part types
- 3100. Changes
- 3101. Change classifications
- 3102. Change priorities
- 3103. Change reasons
- 3104. Disposition actions
- 3105. Disposition locations
- 3106. Problem sources
- 3107. Change forms
- 3108. Custom collections
- 3200. Other reference topics
- 3201. Keyboard shortcuts
- 3202. PLM software glossary
- 3203. Windows update service
- 3300. Software licenses & legal notices
- 3301. PDXpert license agreement
- 3302. PDXpert end user license terms
- 3303. Other software licenses
- 3304. Legal notices