Release your part

All change forms provide information about part records, but only an executing change form (for example, a Change Notice or CN) has a permanent effect on the part record. This executing change form, when it is approved, updates all pending items according to the rules of the change form.

In other words, you released or cancel part record iterations by specifying the affected items on the executing change form. Then, after all groups have approved the change, PDXpert updates the items on the Affected list.

An advisory change form, like a Change Request (CR), does not update a part iteration's release state. It tells why the part record should change in a later executing change, or accepts a temporary change (such as a part deviation or stop ship).

To release a pending part record iteration, use the following general procedure.

  1. Start a new executing change form, such as a Change Notice. Or, use an existing change form that's at Originated state.

  2. Drag the part record that you want to release from the Item Explorer Search or Recent list to the change form's Affected list. The pending iteration is shown with Cancel icon (change releases iteration). If the item has a released iteration, then it's usually canceled on the same change form, and is shown with Cancel icon (change cancels iteration).

    Pending child items on the part record's BOM: Markup, Sources: Markup and References: Markup lists – if not on another change form – are automatically added to the change form's Affected list. For details on which lower-level BOM items are included, see the Affected page: How items are added help topic.

    If the part record has been edited, save or close it before adding it to the Affected list.

  3. Submit or route the change form for review, approval, and release. See the Processing a change help topic.